The essence of Martingale is extremely simple — the player chooses a fixed amount of the minimum rate, in the event of a loss, the rate doubles, in case of winning the next rate is again equal to the minimum amount. For example, if you put a hundred dollars and lost, the next time you should put two hundred, losing them and put four hundred, if this rate was winning, the next time put a hundred dollars. Of course, this system has one drawback, visible to the naked look — you just may not have enough money to once again increase the rate. In addition, in many bookmakers, the maximum amount of bets is limited and the next double rate may exceed this limit. This is not to mention the fact that it is very difficult to double the bets after losing. So this simple financial strategy has many critics. Many generally claim that, using Martingale, the player does not win anything, and at best compensates for losses. Nevertheless, «Martigail» among gambling is deservedly popular.