Liquid wallpaper photos are absolutely safe and harmless and consist of natural components: cotton, acrylic, silk, wool, glitter and other components. It is not packaged in rolls, like ordinary wallpapers, but in packets made of polyethylene mainly their weight is equal to one kg. There is also an instruction on the preparation of the working mixture and the principles of applying the composition to the prepared wall. In order to prepare a working mixture in a basin with warm water (3-35 degrees) pour out if there are various sparkles, and then the liquid wallpaper itself and kneaded manually until a uniform consistency is obtained. Then they are evenly applied with a special tool to the wall surface. By the way, in view of the rich color palette, the use of liquid wallpaper for walls of the house makes it possible to create a whole picture when they help them. Of course, this will need more time and a certain share of skill, but such a panel looks just gorgeous.