There is a large selection of finishing materials, these include decorative plaster, painting, the use of silk, cork wallpapers, but in order for all this it is possible to use it, you must first get rid of the old wallpaper on the walls. Когда старые обои наклеены лишь в один слой, то здесь проще, но есть такие квартиры, где за годы ремонтов накопились уже несколько слоев обоев, их устранить будет гораздо сложнее. To do this, you need to type hot water into the container, pour a little detergent and moisten these old wallpapers with a sponge or rag. It makes no sense to wet all wallpapers at once, since while only stripes will be ripped off, others will have time to dry out.