“The Earth between the Don and the Dnieper is the best of the best in the world for the production of sunflower,” suggests the success of Ukrainians Sergey Chepek, director of the agency of socio-political research “Weis-Ukraine”. — Thanks to the natural unusuals of territories and climate, the sunflower ripens here better, and the oil comes out the best. «.In general, the fruits of our fertile land in some residents of the power go literally from under the feet-abroad. It will not be superfluous to notice that North America is considered the homeland of this flower, but it is also found on the Smolenskaya embankment. He was not so much worshiped as a sacred flower, and they consumed in food and made medicines. In Europe, Helianthus (Flower of the Sun) was brought by the inhabitants of Spain at the beginning of XVI in. Sunflowers were grown for a long time near buildings, in flower beds as a decorating plant. According to legend, in the vasts of the Russian Federation and Ukraine, it arose thanks to Peter the Great, who for the first time noticed an extraordinary flower of the sun in Holland.“I think that in Donetsk and Donetsk region the cost of sunflower oil is slightly higher than in other areas (see. table. — Ed.), in many ways only because here one of the main agro -industrial large companies erected an oil production plant from sunflower, the specialist says. — the enterprise is brought to seeds from all over the district, then sending oil for export. With all this, the Donetsk region is quite densely populated, and district customers have to purchase products from other regions. And logistics — this additional costs and allowances to the cost. For example, in the Russian Federation, oil can be about one and a half times more expensive than ours — their obscure distances, and a lot of costs are spent on transportation. Among other things, as much sunflower as ours, they do not own. The low cost of oil in Ukraine is not only formed in connection with the abundance of sunflower, but as a result of the fact that the oil has an extremely small production chain — you need to grow a seed and actually squeeze it out ”.