Ceramic tiles have a lot of advantages, not at all inferior in this strength such materials such as reinforced concrete and cement, and even exceeding it by about 20 times. Tiles, like clinker brick, facing, the price of which is low, resistant to damage, does not bend. Tiles of ceramics and sufficient thickness differs, which provides it with significant rigidity. Due to the content in its composition, the tile is the owner of excellent frost -resistant characteristics. The presence of more pores provides a stronger absorption of moisture, which can break the tile. Therefore, the frost resistance of the tile is determined primarily by its density. Ceramics tile also finds its use in the cladding of fireplaces and furnaces, since it has wonderful fire -resistant and refractory characteristics. A special advantage of such material in this case is not only the possession of refractory properties, but also the ability to protect against the fire of the lined surface, without the release of toxic substances.