Surprisingly, no matter how much in our country the volumes of release of domestic fasteners grow, still the market for 80% consists of Chinese -made fasteners. So, reluctantly, they take him. So why is the fasteners from China still remains the most popular? The “modest” price for Chinese products seduces those who are trying to reduce the expense of the estimate, and, accordingly, for construction (repair). At the same time, the PRC supply here the widest assortment of modern fasteners, making its value affordable for any person. At the same time, the cost of delivery and its convenience (unlike transportation from Europe) positively affects the price of the goods. If you do not buy blind fasteners, then you can even take Chinese products the highest quality. And now it is Chinese products that are often used in the construction of Russian construction facilities. After all, China is a state interested in improving production and quality in order to increase income. Alas, there are some «against» such fasteners. Although Chinese products have improved in terms of quality, some names of products have not yet reached European quality. So our person is faced with a choice: take Chinese high -quality fasteners at the European value, or buy cheap products that do not have a certificate of compliance with GOSTs, international standards. By the way, if you take domestic or European fasteners, you can safely calculate the load that they will carry. Everything is wrong with Chinese products, because often the maximum load is actually smaller than that reported in the documents (if any). So if you take Chinese products cheaply and without documents, then only for the purpose of private construction of non -explorescent designs.